
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Play very small JAVA games 4KB online

A very simple site to play very small JAVA games of 4KB in size online. Lots of small JAVA games available here. Here is the link.

click to enlarge!

Friday, August 27, 2010

How to fold a t-shirt in 2 seconds

So easy and fast! It really can be done!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to pay zakat fitrah (personal tithe) using

1. Login to

2. Go to Bill Payment

3. Click 'Make a one-off payment'

4. From the category choose 'Zakat & Charity'

5. Select from list according to your state

6. From 'Type of zakat', choose Zakat Fitrah and make your payment accordingly.

Here's a list of Zakat Fitrah rates according for each state that are available in Maybank2u for 2010 :
 State Payee’s name in Maybank2u Rate (RM)
 Perlis Baitumal Negeri Perlis 6.00
 Selangor Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) 7.00
 Kelantan Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan(Zakat) 7.00
 Wilayah Persekutuan Pusat Pungutan Zakat Majlis Agama Islam WP 7.00

As always click on the image to view in full size.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Check Username Availability Across Popular Sites

This site will help you check your username or your desired username at various social networking sites such as blogger, multiply, digg, youtube and flickr. You can check the username across 152 sites that they offer all at once or just 72 of the most popular. Just type the username and click 'chk', if the username is taken it will show "Taken". Here is the link.

 click to enlarge!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jump to specific minutes and seconds in YouTube video

This is a simple trick to jump to specific minutes and seconds in YouTube video, useful when viewing long video.

Just add #t=6m38s at the end of the url, where 'm' is minutes and 's' is seconds and you get to the part of the video which is 6 minutes and 38 seconds from the start. Change the minutes and seconds to any desired time of the video.

click to enlarge!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Keyboard shorcuts for quick browsing

Here is a list of the most common keyboard shortcut for any web browser :

Ctrl + T

Open a new tab

Ctrl + W

Close the current tab

Ctrl + N

Open a new window

Ctrl + D

Bookmark current website


Refresh the current webpage.

Ctrl + F5

Clear the cache of the current webpage and stores a fresh new copy

Ctrl + H

Show history

Ctrl + E

Highlight search bar

Ctrl + (+/-)

Zoom in or Zoom out the current webpage

Ctrl + F

Find text on current webpage

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V



Page down

Shift + Spacebar

Page up

Alt + D

Go to address bar


Go to top of webpage


Go to bottom of webpage


View page source

(on address bar)

Complete http://www. And the .com parts automatically

(on address bar)

Complete http://www. And the .net parts automatically

(on address bar)

Complete http://www. And the .org parts automatically

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Remove Old Drivers from Windows

This guide is for Windows XP and Vista only. By removing unwanted old drivers, your windows might be using less system resources.

1. Click Start > Run and type "command" without the quote:

2. Type the following and press Enter :

3. Then type devmgmt.msc to bring out the device manager.

4. Click View > Show hidden devices.

5. Expand on the devices to see the which devices that are active and which are not. The inactive devices appear grayed out.

6. From the list, right click on the inactive device you wish to remove and select Uninstall to remove the driver and you are done!

As usual, click on the image to see them in full size.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to clean stuff

Another short entry, yet it is straight forward and plain simple. How to Clean Stuff will show you how to clean things from automotive, clothing, house to people and pets. You can also ask them on how to clean things that are not listed in their website. Here is the link.

click me!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to check for broken link

Sometimes you put in the right link, but without knowing that the link has become invalid (probably due to change in URL or the page has been remove). This always happens when you insert images from other sites and then later the image doesn't appear anymore. I've seen a lot of it in forum. LinkChecker will check any web page for any broken link. Just enter the address and click 'Check'. If you have many links, this website will do all the link checking work for you. Here is the site.


Monday, August 9, 2010

How to open unknown file format

Ok, a short entry but quite useful. How many times you come across a file with unknown extension and don’t know how to open it? Well FileSuffix contains a huge list of file extension. But not only that, it will show you which program can be used to open the specific file. Check it out here.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Send Fax for FREE !

Another free service! Yeay! But nowadays not many people uses fax, thanks to e-mail. Anyway, if you want to send free fax, well MyFax is here. It allows you to send to 41 countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, USA and UK. I did try MyFax and it was quite fast about 10 minutes for the fax to come. When you send a fax, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to confirm the fax. Fax message are in file format and it supports up to 178 different document types including MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF and JPEG. File must not exceed 10MB in size and contain a maximum of 10 pages. With this free service you can sent 2 fax in 24 hours. Try it here.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Copy paste text and hyperlink at the same time

Actually there's more to it. CoLT is a multi function copy paste add on for Firefox that will do :
  1. Copy text of the hyperlink.
  2. Copy text and hyperlink at the same time.
  3. Copy page title and its url at the same time.
  4. Customize your own copy paste options.
No need to highlight the hyperlink's text and copy. Just right click on the hyperlink and choose any of the copy format. To copy the page title, just right click on the page and choose "Copy Page Title and Location As". You can also customize your copy format at the add on options. A Very useful must have tool for blogs! Here's the link.

click on image!

click on image!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Microsoft Office" inside Gmail

Did you know that inside Gmail there is a free basic web-based word procesor, presentation, spreadsheet, form and drawing tool? Well I just did recently. Much of these which is called Google Docs is similar to Microsoft Office.

Currently, Google Docs works fine with Internet Explorer 7+, Mozilla Firefox 2+, Google Chrome 1+ and Safari 3+.
click on image!

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